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As a VMC leader who wants to cheer on young church leaders, Pastor to Pastors Doug Loveday was happy to be a part of the Thinking Shrewdly 2023 event this spring.
He was encouraged by the way God seems to be moving among these current and future leaders of the church.

First, Doug noticed that these young leaders were in touch with Canadian culture.
There was a keen interest in learning how to neighbour well with Indigenous people, a concern for God’s creation, and an equal valuing of women and men.

Second, there was a responsiveness to God’s call to build his church.
There was a persistent love for the church, along with a real desire for hopeful and healthy church.

God is moving among all generations and it was particularly delightful to see how God is inviting young leaders into deeper relationship and genuine spiritual transformation.

Doug was encouraged by an openness on behalf of the young leaders to the older generation as they look for wisdom and insight.

So much to be thankful for as God continues to build his church and people are drawn to Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit.
Pray on.

More TS2023 Reflections
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