VMC staff and a number of people in whom they have confidence do consulting for churches. Usually these involve one or two intense weekends with the primary leaders of the church; may involve presentations to the congregation and will include follow-up.

The process:
  • A representative of the church leadership group calls VMC to explore the possibilities
  • VMC staff make a proposal for the elders/leadership team to consider
  • If the elders/leadership team are unanimous in their desire for a consultation with VMC staff or others referred by VMC, then arrangements and mutual expectations for the consultation are agreed upon
  • Congregations are expected to pay reasonable honorariums and travel costs


  1. Leadership in the Church of the New Testament, Parts 1 & 2
  2. The Bible, Spiritual Leadership, and Church Governance
  3. Three Categories Of Leaders
    1. English
    2. Mandarin
    3. French
  4. Groups Guide and Govern, Individuals Lead (PowerPoint)
  5. Church Health:  Natural Church Development is a helpful diagnostic tool
  6. Seven Common Barriers to Progress that trip churches up over and over again.
  7. Church Leaders Should Know
  8. Pursuing The Full Kingdom Potential of Your Congregation, by George W. Bullard Jr – summary here
  9. Mennonite & Brethren Marriage Encounter:  We believe that God’s Kingdom will be strengthened as marriages are strengthened.
  10. Prepared to Answer is working to restore the church’s historic tradition of being a community of faith committed to growing in knowledge of the truth as opposed to mere belief.
  11. A Guide to Storytelling (video) offered by Elizabeth Millar, VMC’s story teller
  12. Personality Assessments are helpful both for the planter and/or Vision Ministries Canada. It helps the planter gain a more accurate self perception and it helps VMC understand more readily the personality and common reactions of the planter.
    • 16 Personalities is a free Myers-Briggs personality test and widely used self assessment instrument. It’s friendly, positive and finds a place for everyone.
    • This DISC Index will help you understand your behavioral style and how to maximize your potential.  You can complete the DISC assessment as well as the Values Index