Because church planting is a primary spiritual activity it challenges all the capacities of those who plant and arouses the attention of Satan. Those who plant churches of any kind must be aware of the challenges and keep connected to experienced people who can support them. Coaching is considered by many to be one of the most critical factors in the long term success of a church plant.
As often as possible, we take a three-pronged approach to coaching.
General and Strategic Coaching
Just to have someone to talk your planting idea over with is a good start. So even before anything is actually “happening”, we want to be alongside.
After “getting started” the conversations become a little more formalized – with a commitment to talk regularly (often this is a monthly meeting), by phone, online, and face to face, for up to three years (or more). These conversations are with one of our primary church planting coaches.
Spiritual Life Coaching (Whole Life Coaching)
This coaching focuses on the life of the church planter, more than the church plant. Arrangements are made by the general/strategic coach with the primary planter. Vision Ministries usually provides this additional coaching at no charge for about one year.
Mark Anderson is a qualified life coach and spiritual director and is our principal whole life coach. For more understanding of his approach to coaching, contact Mark at
Peer Learning
Wherever possible, VMC draws together groups of planters for the co-learning, co-coaching that happens so naturally in those situations. This can happen with VMC-connected planters, or in a group that includes other denominations.
Tell us about a church you’d like to plant, ask us about our approach to church planting, or ask – anything else!
Call or text Jay Gurnett at 780-566-9211 or email him at