In a few words the essence of everything I was trying to say both as a novelist and as a preacher, it would be something like this: Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is
Changing Up Youth Group – Varsity Bible Church
Loud. Crazy. Silly. Fun. This may be what we often think of youth group nights. And certainly, there’s good reason for churches to be hosting evenings that focus on the good pleasure and fun and energy that teenagers enjoy. However,
ECWA – Evangelical Church Winning All
Over a hundred years ago, two Canadians and an American sailed from Lake Ontario. Destination? Northern Nigeria (known as the Sudan then). Dream? That others would know and love Christ as Lord. If only they could have seen into the
God Weaving Things Together
If you’ve been around VMC for a while, you will recognize Ben Peltz. Ben has provided wisdom and guidance to VMC churches over the years regarding relationship with Indigenous communities. As the pastor of Curve Lake Christian Assembly, he is
Take a Chance – Varsity Bible Church
A pastor’s dream? That church can be a place for young people to explore the possibility of ministry. This is what is capturing Rinus Janson’s imagination these days. As pastor of Varsity Bible Church in Calgary, AB, he wants to
Faith as a Way of Life
It’s sometimes hard to detect spiritual growth. Like, how can you tell if an individual or a congregation is growing spiritually? I was talking to a church pastor the other week and he is detecting small signs of spiritual growth
All Kinds of Spiritual Gifts – Oak Park Church of Christ
When Pastor Lane Scruggs of Oak Park Church of Christ had a moment to pause and reflect on the last 12 months of renovations, he was grateful. Grateful for the project itself and the new foyer that allows for lots
A Kid & Hot Dog Day – Varsity Bible Church
Imagine what it’s like to be a kid and to wait for your parents after church. You might remember the feeling! Now imagine – even worse – that your mom is the children’s ministry pastor and you get dragged along
Vision Ministries Kenya – Training Booklets
These booklets are part of a three year pastor training program. For pastors in Kenya to be able to have these in their hands – this is a joy. For the teaching pastors who need resources, for the pastors who
School of Discipleship – Wallenstein Bible Chapel
Biblical illiteracy. Wanting to learn more about God. This challenge and desire of their church congregation caught Lynne and Shannon’s attention. As seminary students themselves, they were grateful for their opportunity for intense study and they wanted to give others