As Thanga and Christina wondered how Wasaga Community Church would best serve their community, they studied their congregation.
Who were they and how were they gifted?
It was obvious!
These were a group of people who were gifted with a generous hospitality.
They knew how to welcome people and they loved to feed people and gather them around a table.
So, knowing that hospitality was going to form their sense of mission, Thanga and Christina thought about how their church could meet the needs of their community.
They prayed – asking how God’s vision for their church would shape their mission.
Together with other churches and the local food bank, they began to offer Monday Night Community Meals.
The first night, no one showed up.
A few weeks ago, Christina told me that they served 70 to 80 people!
What began as a few crockpots of soup is now full dinners, complete with Cobbs bread and more.
Others from the community wanted to be a part of this – so hygiene packs were put together for those on the street.
Tents, clothing, blankets were offered.
Those in need are being taken care of and local churches are working together.
Both are a sign of the body of Christ – the humble and generous service and the unity of believers.
People know that they’re the little blue church beside Dairy Queen where they can go for help.
A light in the community that shines the Light and Love of Christ.