VMC Resources for Coming Alongside Churches

VMC staff and other trusted people are available to consult with churches in our network.

The process:

A representative of the church leadership group contacts VMC to explore the possibilities

  • VMC staff make a proposal for the elders/leadership team to consider
  • If the elders/leadership team are unanimous in their desire for a consultation with VMC staff or others referred by VMC, then arrangements and mutual expectations for the consultation are agreed upon
  • Congregations are expected to pay reasonable honorariums and travel costs

Contact us at info@vision-ministries.org to inquire about consulting

Some of our consultants include:
Jay Gurnett, Gord Martin, Mike Stone, Don Crawford, Jon Dart, Doug Loveday, Keith Shields, Mark Anderson, Petra Anderson, Sandra Osborne, Margaret Paul, Sean Jackson, Charlene Kane, Matt Pamplin, Paul Williams, Rinus Janson, Ming-Peng Gong

Our Fall 2024 newsletter focuses on this work done by Vision Ministries
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What do you need help with?How we help
Direction and purposeDiscern direction, clarify purpose and cast fresh vision. Focus leadership, revise governance structure.
Transitional LeadershipGuide transition from previous era to a new one, when a senior leader leaves. Enhance congregation’s spiritual, relational, structural and strategic health.
Crisis InterventionCompanion the congregation to facilitate trust in God. Mediate conversations. Help congregation stabilize, deepen unity, identify issues, and devise a plan.
Spiritual Life CoachingCoach leaders to overcome barriers that diminish competency, capacity and impact. Combines life coaching and spiritual direction.
HR ConsultingGuide development of HR policies and practices that align with Canadian employment law and compensate and care for employees fairly. Advise and possibly intervene when HR crises emerge.
Finance, Management, Charitable StatusAdvise churches and coach leaders on best practices related to people management, organizational process and general administration. Support churches in their application to incorporate and attain charitable status with CRA.
Church Planting and EvangelismIgnite fresh passion for sharing the good news, multiplying disciples, and planting new churches. Identify practices and strategies that will contextualize evangelistic endeavours for secular and pluralistic Canada.
Conflict ResolutionAddress conflict by identifying the issues, getting key people “to the table”, and mediating discussion until participants arrive at a mutually satisfying agreement.
Diaspora MinistryGuide churches to practice hospitality to Canadian newcomers, partner with immigrant leaders to develop newcomer ministries, and create a home for immigrant sub-congregations within the life of majority culture congregations.

View our Resources page for more helpful tools for churches and leaders