Friendship with The Spirit of Truth – Wallenstein Bible Chapel

Want to read a beautiful story of two unique churches enjoying relationship together?
One is a church nestled in the heart of Mennonite country in rural Ontario.
The other is a Persian church from Toronto mostly made up of former Muslims.

“Thanks for your interest in our combined event (Wallenstein Bible Chapel and The Spirit of Truth Church). This was a friendship that was forged by our former Pastor Ron Seabrooke before he passed away unexpectedly in the fall of 2019. With his passing and then the pandemic, this friendship was left unattended for three and half years.

Last year, Gord Martin encouraged us to re-establish the connection. He and I (Gary Goodkey, Teaching Pastor at Wallenstein Bible Chapel) went to Toronto to visit Pastor Siamak. I had met him briefly in the past but this was our first chance to get to know one another. From that visit, I have had the opportunity to preach at The Spirit of Truth church and WBC began making plans to invite the Persian believers and their friends to come for a visit.

This came to fruition on the first Sunday of December. Doug Loveday was scheduled to preach that day. Doug was WBC’s transition Pastor after Ron Seabrooke died and was also known to the Spirit of Truth church as he has been a visiting speaker there.

We enjoyed a Christmas themed worship service together that was partially translated into the Farsi language and then a very large ‘potluck’ with close to 500 people. There was very warm fellowship between our people and we look forward to getting together again in 2024.”

Churches working and learning together!
Oh, how this must please the heart of God to see God’s children worshipping and eating together as one body!

Friendship with The Spirit of Truth – Wallenstein Bible Chapel
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