A pastor’s dream?
That church can be a place for young people to explore the possibility of ministry. This is what is capturing Rinus Janson’s imagination these days. As pastor of Varsity Bible Church in Calgary, AB, he wants to intentionally create space for young leaders to explore and practice pastoral leadership. For two reasons. First, the younger generation of leaders are not as enthusiastically embracing ministry as a vocation as prior generations might have. Second, Rinus remembers being a 24 year old and someone giving him an opportunity to follow his ministry calling.
Sometimes there is a reluctance to “pass the baton” in the church world. It is just easier and safer to allow the experienced, trusted leaders to continue without making opportunities available for younger leaders. However, if potential leaders are given a chance when they are young, there tends to be more realistic expectations placed on them. New and inexperienced younger leaders aren’t expected to get everything right so there’s more forgiveness granted and often more encouragement given.
To push against this natural inclination, Varsity Bible Church has hired two twenty-something interns for 10 hours a week. It’s a chance for them to try out church ministry – to lead youth ministry, preach, and be mentored. Rinus and other pastoral leaders saw some spiritual gifts and leadership potential in these two people and wanted to give them the opportunity to engage more fully in ministry. There’s no expectations of full time ministry for the interns but there is the hope that they will consider the possibility of vocational ministry and that they will continue to be more engaged with church over the course of their life due to this experience.
It’s a chance for these two interns and for Varsity Bible Church.
Like most chances, there is risk involved.
But there is also deep trust and confidence in the Spirit as the Spirit leads and instructs in regards to young leadership and the future of the church.
Photo creds: Getty Images (Unsplash+)