Faith as a Way of Life

It’s sometimes hard to detect spiritual growth.
Like, how can you tell if an individual or a congregation is growing spiritually?

I was talking to a church pastor the other week and he is detecting small signs of spiritual growth among his congregation.
He says that faith in God and participating in God’s mission is becoming more and more of a way of life for his congregation.
It’s always been something that his church has believed and even deemed important.
They’ve always known that they need to reach out to their neighbours.
That they should spread the Good News of Jesus.
They can easily recite John 3:16.

But for that knowledge and desire to become a way of life means that it needs to be embodied in everyday life.
This is what’s happening.
They are beginning to live what they believe.
They have more friends who aren’t Christians – they’re expanding their social circles.
They’re hanging around the school parking lot and the playground a little longer to nurture friendships with the people that God has brought into their lives.
They’re inviting their neighbours for dinner – not out of guilt, but because their hearts are mirroring the heart of God.
There’s more people at church who are just beginning to think about Jesus.
They’re having more faith conversations – in settings that feel natural and organic.

Small signs of spiritual life.
This is how the Spirit of God works – in us and in the world around us.
Giving birth to new Life – little by little.

Photo creds: Monika Grabko (Unsplash)

Faith as a Way of Life