She wondered about a book club.
Maybe this was a good way to connect with people?
But the time!
She really didn’t have the time.
A few mornings later, she opened the Bible and read:
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”
She smiled at this divine elbow in the ribs!
So she invited a few artist friends to join her and – what a delightful surprise!
Wondering if this might be awkward to be reading about art and creativity from a Christian perspective, she was intrigued that they seemed so appreciative of this chance to talk about spiritual things.
God was already at work in their lives and there was an openness that she hadn’t noticed before.
There was a sense of cooperation with the Spirit of God as she obeyed this nudge from God and let things happen.
She’s not really sure where this is going.
Or what God might do.
But she’s confident that God is at work and that He so very much loves her friends and colleagues.
She’s trusting that God is up to something good.