Despite growing up with the youth ministry hype of the 80’s and 90’s, Joshua Black is establishing a different approach at North Park Community Church (London, ON):
Believing that in our cultural moment of over-the-top entertainment and flashy amusement, it is the simplicity of relationship and sense of belonging that really matter to youth.
This world can be a frightening place for those who are just finding their way and discovering their place.
It means something to have a safe place for conversation with people who can engage in a non-judgmental way.
In a world where lies and deceit run wild, it’s important to have a place to discover the truth.
About ourselves, the world around us, and God.
Joshua ran a couple of day camps for junior high students this past summer.
Focussing more on intentionality and relationship, it was a simple program of icebreakers, devotions, wide games, and snacks.
About 20 to 25 teenagers attended.
It was a safe place for them – low pressure, time for them to think and feel and talk.
Decisions were made more democratically and there was a real sense of belonging and ownership.
Instead of being segregated according to age, Joshua hopes that these junior high campers will find their place in the larger body of Christ.
Actually, one teenager from the community showed up at Sunday church after the week of camp and was welcomed by adults and invited to a fall event!
It was just what Joshua was praying for – this bigger welcome into the church family.
(To read more about why youth are leaving the church and what we can do, check out hemorrhagingfaith.com)