Kevin, pastor at Aurora North End Parish Church in Halifax, and his leadership team started to wonder about their church hall.
It was a big space.
How do we use this space well?
For the flourishing of the neighbourhood?
So they wondered about the possibilities and asked God to bring whoever needed their church hall to their attention.
In the end, it became a gift of space and a place to call home, for
a community band,
some new Canadians,
an artist,
a group of local junior high youth,
a computer programmer,
a yoga class.
Sharing the church hall space with their community has provided them with opportunities for new relationships in their community.
In fact, they feel like God has gifted them with new friends and neighbours.
So they continue on – getting to know the people around them and
taking heed of Jesus’ second greatest commandment,
loving their neighbours as themselves,
one step at a time.