Monday nights are the regular nights for community dinners for Wasaga Community Church.
So Christmas falling on a Monday this past year posed a bit of a problem –
What to do?
Getting food and volunteers would be tricky as most of the congregants would be busy with their own family celebrations.
However, Wasaga Community Church hasn’t missed a Monday yet.
And if there was ever a day that people who didn’t have circles of support needed to gather – it was Christmas!
So Christina and Thanga prayed and waited to see how God would provide.
The phone rang.
A local businessman wanted to fund a Christmas dinner.
Did they have any ideas?
Yes, they did.
Over 100 people were fed a delicious dinner cooked by a local resort this past Christmas Day.
Volunteers just came to be with their community friends and to celebrate with them and didn’t have to worry about the dinner at all.
Christina and Thanga have worked hard to avoid the traditional soup kitchen model.
They don’t want a “us/them” mentality so they’re intentional about blurring the lines between clients and volunteers.
Everyone sits together and share stories and make conversation.
People get to know each other’s names and pray for each other by name.
Showing Christ’s love is the best way for them to speak about Christ’s love on Monday nights.
Including Christmas Day.
Photo Creds: Davey Gravy (Unsplash+)