Learning the Faith – Lambrick Park Church

Children learning and living the story of God.
That’s what Children’s Pastor Kenzie Watson desires for the children under her care at Lambrick Park Church in Victoria, BC.
She wants the children to know who God is and to experience God.
To practice relying on the Spirit for wisdom and comfort and guidance.
To continually look for ways to walk in the ways of Jesus and to participate in the redemptive work that God is doing.

That may sound like pie in the sky for elementary children.
But it starts with teaching them the story of God.
So this summer Kenzie and her team gave the children at Lambrick a big picture view of the Bible, with the help of the video series What’s in the Bible by Phil Vischer.
Wanting to give a firm foundation for their faith and to help them with their biblical literacy, Kenzie and her team went through the biblical story, week by week, teaching them cultural and historical context and introducing them to characters and stories within Scripture.

They do so with a sense of hope.
Remembering the mustard seed and trusting that the Word of God will not return void.

Photo creds: Jonathon Borba (Unsplash)

Learning the Faith – Lambrick Park Church
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