Creating Space in Gaspé

Making space – literally and metaphorically.
That’s what church planters in the Gaspé Peninsula in eastern Québec, Gabriel and Melanie Paquin (along with their four children) are doing as they love their community with the love of Jesus.

God is giving them creative ideas and some open doors to meet people and connect.
Whether it’s picnics or archery tournaments or apple picking – God is bringing people together with a hunger to know God more.
French-speaking immigrants especially are being welcomed into the loving space of this Jesus-centered community life as they settle into their new country.

The Paquins have opened up their home for parties and dinners and worship gatherings.
But they’ve needed more space.

So they started digging out a basement under their house.
By hand.
Shovels and 5 gallon buckets.
One shovel full at a time – they are literally creating space for more people.

They’ve still got a ways to go.
But even this past Christmas, there was enough space for drums and a cello and a keyboard as they gathered to celebrate the coming of Jesus.
They’ll keep working away – enlarging their home and their hearts for the beloved people of their community.
Because of God’s great love for this world.

Creating Space in Gaspé
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