A note from Doug Loveday and Chris Atkinson as they minister and teach with Vision Ministries Kenya … please continue to pray.
“What a day. I spent a lot of the day in individual conversation with about 10 couples who did the online marriage survey. What a privilege.
One mature couple, maybe in their 50s, said they had done lots of marriage counselling for others, but nobody ever cared enough to ask about them. He was very humble during the time as we looked honestly and directly at some growth areas. As we concluded , I asked for their hands and I prayed a prayer of blessing over them , It was very moving and sacred and intimate….He responded beautifully and you should have seen their faces as they shared testimony to the larger group about this.
Another younger couple with 3 small, beautiful children scored really low on the survey, with almost no strengths and all growth areas. I showed them how they were very strong on the spiritual scale of trusting God, and strong on their commitment to each other. They were very encouraged to see these two most important building blocks as their foundation. With a strong commitment to Jesus and to each other, they will do well. As we talked more , more strengths came out, and it was clear that the relationship is less troubled than the survey said. We held hands and prayed , so precious to see them glow on the way out.
Several couples were so well balanced, mature, and harmonious, serving the LORD together , having worked through some hard times with “couple oneness” and clearly enjoying their journey together. What a joy, to hold hands and pray a prayer of blessing over them…YES… lot of holding hands today!!
At the end of the day, we shared some stories of what the LORD had taught them this week. Every last person shared and it was so moving for Chris and me to learn of our teachings making such an impact on these precious lives. Finally, we praised God in the African Way, singing loudly and dancing energetically to the LORD. What fun and JOY. Then we ate an African feast of leg of lamb.”
Photo creds: Alekon pictures