I was talking to someone who has just started a small group this fall.
Somewhat unexpectedly.
He wasn’t really planning this but the way things unfolded, it seemed like maybe God had something in mind.
It started with a friend asking for a book recommendation to share with another person.
He passed on a book title – saying this one would be good to read.
Before passing on the book, the friend read it first.
The book was all about serving other people and being courageous enough to move from comfort to discomfort.
It immediately convicted the friend to take action on a thought they had previously tried to quiet.
Pulling a few people together to study Scripture and talk about faith.
To find community with others.
But not just friends or other easy asks.
Something that took a bit more courage.
The idea of a small group seemed to sparkle.
The book-giver began to pray about possibly joining the small group and felt a gentle conviction that maybe God was bringing people together.
It was a little out of his comfort zone and yet he was drawn to it.
The friend reached out to a few people and – voila!
They were interested.
They wanted the chance to meet regularly with others for the purpose of spiritual conversation and companionship.
It was a bit unexpected.
The small group wasn’t really their idea but they were willing to serve and to be blessed.
It seems like God was bringing people together in a beautiful way.
Photo creds: Getty Images (Unsplash+)