A Good Samaritan

On Tuesday, it was a man without a car who needed a drive to a city two hours away for a doctor’s appointment and a legal appointment.

Could you please drive me?

On Wednesday, it was a family living below the poverty line who needed help moving. Not an easy or pleasant job.

Would you help us please?

Earlier that day, it was a man begging for money at the shopping mall.

Do you have anything to spare?

Then on Thursday, it was someone who needed to meet with their probation officer.

Could you open the door to the church?

Within 48 hours, this VMC  pastor had four opportunities to be a good Samaritan. As he heard the last request for help, he stopped and laughed:

OK God, You’ve got my attention. What do you want to tell me?

He was reminded of Matthew 25 when Jesus says “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

He thought of the nurse’s comment at the medical clinic – 

“Oh, you’re the good Samaritan of the day!”

He remembered praying with the man, riddled with anxiety and his response – “Church is the only place on earth where I feel peace.”

He smiled. These calls for help were another way to meet Jesus.

Photo creds: Getty Images (Unsplash)

A Good Samaritan