Cambodia Students – Toronto China Bible Church

The country of Cambodia has a tragic past in regards to Pol Pot and the communist Khmer Rouge Party from the 1970’s.
Under Pol Pot’s rule, up to two million people died due to starvation, overwork, disease and execution, which is now known as the Cambodian Genocide.
The country is still recovering.

Binghai and Mingpeng are two pastors from Toronto China Bible Church who have a heart for the people of Cambodia.
Their desire is for healing and light and hope for this country.
Binghai has travelled to Cambodia 9 times.
Usually over the Christmas break, Binghai would accompany students from York University and the University of Toronto for a week of service and ministry to fellow students in the capital city of Phnom Penh.

This time, it was Binghai introducing Mingpeng to Cambodia.
Because food and rent are expensive for those coming from the provinces outside the capital city, two dorm ministries have developed to care for students.
The Chinese church in Canada supports the women who run this ministry and care for Cambodian students from across the globe.
They provide low rent and spiritual nourishment for students.

This is the family of God at its best – sharing resources, encouraging each other, introducing people to the Savior of the world.
Pray that the people of Cambodia will continue to know Jesus more and more.

Cambodia Students – Toronto China Bible Church
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