Statement of Faith
There is one eternal God who is creator, sustainer, and redeemer, who exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is at work in the world to redeem creation and to establish an eternal kingdom.
The Bible is uniquely inspired by God as a revelation of his purpose and will, consequently it is inerrant in all it teaches, entirely trustworthy and of authority in all matters of faith and practice.
Jesus Christ is the Redeemer for all of humanity. He is fully God and fully human, he was born of a virgin and as a man lived a life of perfect obedience to God. His substitutionary sacrifice, his bodily resurrection and his ascension atoned for our sins and accomplished our salvation.
The Holy Spirit indwells the church corporately and every believer individually, equipping them with gifts for service and is present to guide them individually and corporately, to comfort, transform and empower.
Each member of the human race is created in the image of God to live in love and holiness. But every person is also tainted and damaged by sin and is accountable to God’s righteous judgment. Salvation is God’s gracious gift; those who repent and believe are “in Christ”. Their salvation is founded on the merits of Christ and is reflected in lives that are holy and pleasing to him.
The Church universal is composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The local church is composed of believers in a locality who gather regularly in Christ’s name for worship, prayer, fellowship, instruction and to reach out to their communities, bringing the values of heaven to earth and making disciples of all nations.
There are two ordinances which our Lord requires: baptism of believers in Christ signifying new life and devotion to him as Saviour and Lord; and communion as a primary ongoing expression of remembrance and thanksgiving for the atoning death and resurrection life of Jesus Christ.
The promise of the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ is a source of joy and hope to his people. The Kingdom of God which has already begun will reach its fulfillment when Jesus returns in power and great glory to reign forever and ever. His return will consummate his kingdom of peace and fulfill the promises made to Israel and the church. Everyone will be accountable to him on that day when he brings about righteous judgement on all who have ever lived. This truth is an ongoing incentive to holy living and faithful service for every believer.
Ministry Values
1. We will honour the reality that all who are in Christ are one, by accepting and loving all who are his.
2. We will honour the corresponding truths that local churches are:
- Independent and responsible for their own leadership and activities.
- Interdependent in that they need the benefits of giftedness, encouragement, guidance and fellowship of others.
3. We will honour the truth that all believers are uniquely gifted by the Spirit of God. Those who are gifted and called to lead are responsible to do so in a manner that enables every member of the Body of Christ to become all God has designed them to be as ambassadors in his service.
4. We will honour the New Testament pattern and precept of deliberate diversity of gifting in team leadership of the church. These team leaders must be individuals of character, devotion and maturity, with a willingness to lead, reach, correct, shepherd and teach faithfully. They are affirmed by their congregations for agreed-upon terms of service.
5. We will honour the freedom of the Holy Spirit to raise up people from among us to serve our churches and ministry agencies either part-time or full-time and we will support them as needed.
6. We will honour the specific request of Jesus Christ to “remember him” by frequent observation of the Lord’s Supper (often on a weekly basis).
7. We will honour the diversity of the creative hand of God by showing respect and acceptance to all his people, regardless of race, gender, culture or social class.
8. We will honour the truth that the poor, disadvantaged and oppressed are special (blessed) people in the eyes of God. We will seek to take the initiative in reaching out to them with compassion, respect and truth, working together with others for justice, freedom and peace.
9. We will honour the mandate given to us at the creation to care for God’s good earth by teaching and practicing environmental (ecological) stewardship
10. We will honour the holiness and righteousness of God by rejecting all the Bible declares to be sinful, in order that we may live lives that are beyond reproach, pleasing our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Mission of the Church
The mission of the church is to make disciples of non-followers of Jesus from every nation and to “teach them all things…”. Churches must advance this single purpose through:
- Worship that brings glory to God; is engaging and compelling both to his people and to those who do not yet know him.
- Discipleship that brings Biblical change to every sphere of life: spiritual, social, intellectual, physical, economic and emotional.
- Evangelism with vigour and integrity.
- Prayer that reflects confidence in the power of God.
- Social involvement that brings the wisdom of God to every human situation.