Welcome to Chris Atkinson, the new VMC liaison to Vision Ministries Kenya! Chris and his wife Rowan pastor at Pinewoods Chapel in Angus, Ontario.
Kenya has been on his heart and mind for the last ten years. Back in 2012 and 2013, he travelled with Gord Martin to help equip national leaders in Kenya. Now, with Gord’s retirement, Chris is the ideal person to serve in this position.
VMK has grown and become more established in the last ten years.
Chris’ aim is to continue to provide support and biblical teaching to the VMK leaders, and to also support them as they move towards becoming a self-sustaining ministry.
Chris is eager to connect them with other Christian organizations, like Tearfund, Compassion, and Impact Hope. These are groups who can help with small business opportunities, care for children, and clean water.
Chris knows that the Good News transforms individuals and communities, so a holistic approach is necessary. Chris’ own background of business and entrepreneurial experience will be invaluable as he helps VMK move towards fully functioning independently and developing their own fundraising strategies and leadership structures.
Pray for good things for these dear brothers and sisters in Kenya, especially Ishmael Ochieng, the ED for VMK.
Chris and Gord will be travelling to Kenya next month for the 11th VMK conference.
Stay tuned for more!