by Joe White
I believe church planting is the only form of church renewal strong enough to heal the four historically dominate narratives that hinder Jesus’ great commission. These four fragmenting stories include:
- Moving away from neighbourhood-focused mission,
- An emphasis on “getting people saved”,
- Planting homogenous churches, and
- Relying on tech to foster community.
The first trend emerged around the time of Constantine in the 4th century when Christian churches moved away from localized neighbourhood-focused mission. The second came about in the 15th century. With the emergence of early globalization, churches focused on “getting people saved” without a strong emphasis on biblically defined discipleship. Since the 20th century, US and Canadian churches have tended to plant churches according to homogeneous church-growth principles and business models without developing a strong mission to the neighbourhoods where these churches are located.
And now in the 21st century, our technology age, technocrats (those who think technology can solve societal problems) are enticing churches to use A.I. and virtual reality to create Christian community.
I think these faulty narratives are only healed when men and women filled with the Holy Spirit plant churches. But not all churches are worth planting if they replicate the trends that got us here. Recent Canadian stats show that the majority of churches in Canada today have either plateaued or are declining. More than 300 close their doors for the last time every year.
According to Robert Linthicum, founder of Partners in Urban Transformation, churches tend to be planted in three forms:
1 A church in its community. While they are physically located in a neighbourhood, they often fixate on their own existence and largely ignore the needs of the neighbours around the church.
2 A church to its community. They provide resources to the neighbourhood they are physically located in, but view themselves as the saviour of the community.
3 A church with its community. This is the only type of church that leads to the rapid acceleration of the great commission. The church joins with neighbours to address issues in the local neighbourhood, and see themselves as part of the neighbourhood’s struggle and the primary disciple-making partner in its renewal.
Nine years ago, our local church, Granville Chapel in Vancouver, BC sent my Canadian family as VMC church planters to Fresno, California in the Jackson Neighbourhood. We have attempted to plant a church with our neighbours. Our church further extends VMC’s call to raise up and send Canadian church planters to establish more churches on mission, and more people following Jesus who will pursue virtue, justice, and the reconciliation of all things.
The Jackson Neighbourhood is 8 blocks by 12 blocks and 923 homes representing 3,300 residents. We see our neighbourhood as a geographical area of spiritual responsibility: whether the issues are spiritual, economic, educational, environmental, political, or relational, we pursue Jesus’ vision for our neighbourhood and its residents. Metric after metric shows that Jackson is vulnerable and under-resourced. But that’s not its final story! Jesus believes in underdogs! With our neighbours we started a business that employs residents with barriers to employment; we started a non-profit organization that runs a dozen programs like in-class support for underperforming elementary students; and we also started 2 weekly gatherings of neighbours dedicated to being disciples of Jesus and following His mission. We are three things working together for the flourishing of the Jackson Neighbourhood – a church, small business, and nonprofit all working in coordination for Jackson’s shalom.
We think the Church needs to get entangled with the neighbourhoods it’s located in. We think church should feel like a family because it actually is a family. We think that the church is the incarnate faithful presence of Jesus and we’re called to demonstrate the gospel by loving our neighbours as a church with our community. Our microchurch expression has become 100 neighbours meeting in two homes and we are ready for a third gathering in another home. It’s led predominantly by people using their spiritual gifts who are aligned together towards a specific vision and mission for Jackson.
Church planting is what happens when church renewal and neighbourhood renewal coalesce – and it’s the only thing strong enough to uphold Jesus’ great commission.
Joe and Heidi White are VMC Church Planters at Neighborhood Church Fresno (California)
This article is from the Spring 2024 edition of VMC’s Thinking Ahead Newsletter